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How do you fight BACK the attacks against you the way Jesus wants you to?

Writer's picture: HAPLOUSHAPLOUS

Our Haplous Bible study is currently reading about the Armor of God. I read this study 3 years ago but as I re-read it now it is an amazing reminder that we can never be TOO aware of the spiritual battle going on around us. How do we fight back? The word "fight" doesn't usually come to mind when we think of Jesus. I think we see Him as being a peaceful ray of Joy and nothing more. Jesus is multi-faceted beyond our comprehension. He is not only a comforter, friend, and well of peace, He is our warrior, our Savior, our REDEEMER. His STRENGTH and HIS sacrifice have given us an upper hand on the enemy, BUT there is a crucial element we must apply if we want to access His strength. Priscilla Shirer points out in her Armor of God study that our prayer life is CRUCIAL in fighting attacks the enemy uses against us. She reminds us that when we pray strategically, assessing areas of BOTH strength &weakness in our lives, that gives us insight into the type of requests we should be making to the Holy Spirit. Jesus is ready to give you His strength, Grace, love, truth, and hope. All you have to do is turn to Him and have a conversation. What is your end goal? Does it align with His will? THESE are the strategic questions we should be asking ourselves every single day, every couple of hours. He’s not bothered by you—He wants to hear MORE from you. So start talking. Xx #haplous #thebabystepsblog #babysteps #dailyinspiration #godgirlbonding#armorofGod

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