True Peace=GOD’s peace. How do we obtain it? By ACCEPTING the reality of Jesus’s sacrifice and Grace. By spending time with Him daily. By asking Him to send His Holy Spirit into our presence.
Do I personally have this type of peace? Honestly, not always. God's gift of salvation is never-changing, but unfortunately, I myself DO change. I don't always spend as much time with Jesus as I could. I don't always turn to Him first in stressful or uncertain situations.
Maybe you feel the same. And maybe you feel insecure about it. I'm here to tell you that you should never feel defeated about this. You should continue pursuing Jesus every day. When you fail, turn to Him so that He can pick you back up. His peace and His power are perfect, and they are available to us in our weakest moments (yes, even when we've failed to turn to Him the past 1,000 times).
So let HIM meet you. Invite Him to be beside you, around you, above you, and inside you.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 Xx #haplous #thebabystepsblog #babysteps#wednesdaywisdom