Everything we do for God should be adobe WITH God! Sounds something to which you might say “DUH” in response😂🙈but truly...I was considering this and it’s easier said than done!
Especially if you consider all of the things that God asks us to submit to Him. To name a few, our work, relationships, first fruits, our time, worries—God calls us to offer these aspects of our lives into His loving care. But are we truly doing this?
If dedicating all of these elements of your life to God sounds daunting, it’s probably because you are imagining trying to do these things by your OWN EFFORT! Of course that's intimidating! I can't seem to live one hour apart from God's direction in which I haven't behaved or responded to my circumstances out of selfish motivation.
But good news! God is the coolest—He even helps us as we aim to do things FOR Him. He is our ultimate partner in life! Let’s be constantly reminded to cling to Him for help in ALL things! Do not be discouraged by your present circumstances--instead, ENCOURAGED and even EXCITED to witness the great work that God can do despite your shortcomings!
When we cast our cares on him and abide in His ways,ALL the glory can be given to Him!🙌🏻🤩And we will be happier for it!
Dear Christen, very happy to read your words about God. There is nothing but this immense love that governs all. My hope is for all off us to feel and understand who we are, children of the most mercifull, humble, loving force. That there is nothing but him.
I have a question though. I've stumbled on your blog true Foxnews. A website that I visit to get a broader sense of the media diet of the American people. As a believer and devotee of him I often get a sad feeling looking at what is presented by Fox.
' 2. It is peace-loving. It has others’ best interests at heart and promotes unity rather than division.' To take a few…