"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
Let ALL that you do be done in LOVE. Yes, ALL. Let that resonate. My mind immediately brings forth tens of scenarios when it seems almost impossible to respond with what I see as love. So I ask Jesus, “but what if they’re being irrational, or annoying, or hurtful, or hateful? How do I ACTUALLY show love? No, seriously God....what does that look like?” There is no secret trick when it comes to becoming more like Jesus. We simply HAVE to muster up our discipline and sit down to read HIS word and to pray. Simple, but so difficult. How can God give us direction if we don’t go to the source of His wisdom? Let’s stay connected to Him today by reading His word, taking at least 10 minutes to sit quietly with Him, allowing His presence to give us peace and clarity. It’s only then that He can really break through all of the noise and distractions that make it SO difficult for us to love. Xx #haplous #thebabystepsblog #inspiration #workingirl